Tuesday, December 20, 2005

From the Vault (re)explained

This is something I started on my old blog page that I need to revive for those of you just now joining me that may have missed out on the fun. Those of you that have been around can just disregard.

I have chosen on nights where I don't want to talk about my boring crappy life to revisit stories of the less than mundane in what I will now refer to as the "From the Vault" series.

From the vault is a reference to one of my most favorite things: professional wrestling. Every year in March, the WWE always shows old clips from previous Wrestlemania matches to get the audience pumped up enough to purchase the upcoming PPV. In the spirit of the WWE, I am starting my own vault, which is a "best of the best" and "best of the worst" moments of my life. Here they are. Just take caution when you read them, and know that for each mistake that I have made in the past, there are sure to be two or more that will follow in the present or the future. Hopefully, however, they won't be the same damn mistakes.


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