Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Ticket to Hell #3

So far, every other ticket to hell has been based on my all-too-free flowing speech. This next ticket comes from my actions and not my words.

Here we are and I'm 22. Yes, this was just two years ago. I thought I was smart. It seems like I should have had all of my wits about me at this point.

The scenario: Each day, I am responsible to pick up a young beautiful deaf girl who has to go to a special day care after school for her hearing. The bus can't take her there, and her parents can't pick her up until six, which is why they need me. So I get paid a hefty fee each month, just to drive 25 miles a day to take this girl to her day care. She is in the 2nd grade. It is the last day of the school for my deaf friend and I go to pick her up from school and she's not there. I see her teacher and I ask her where she is at. She tells me that she never came to school that day and that she thinks she just might have started her vacation early. While the teacher and I are talking, the teacher tells me that she thinks her parents would be just the type of people who would be oblivious to how important the last day of school is for a young student who won't see their friends for an entire summer. I agree with her. I think her parents are those kind of people too. Shameful people. At about 6:00p.m. that evening, I get a call from her parents. They ask me why my beautiful friend never went to school that day. We go through the whole what do you mean she wasn't at school thing and after the confusion is cleared, her mother concludes by saying, we dropped her off at 7:30a.m. just like we were supposed to, what I want to know is why you didn't pick her up at 8:15a.m. to take her to school? Oh shit. Now the memory hits. The phone call the night before. The mother asking if I can get her from daycare to school in the morning. I agree. And then? I go drink and sleep until noon. I go about my day and then go to pick up my friend at 3:00p.m. and the story has been told from that point....

Ticket to Hell #3: The reminder that drinking causes temporary memory loss. Never say you'll do something and then go drink. Especially when it is your beautiful deaf friend's last day of their second grade year. And, just in case, never bad mouth parents of your friend even if there is even an inkling of doubt in your mind about their effectiveness. Chances are, you suck way more than their parents do.


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