Friday, May 12, 2006

My Time At Middle Tennessee

Most of you don't know this, but there was a brief period in history where I had to quit college. I had a "peeping Tom" problem, which I believe now is referred to as voyerism, but either way, I couldn't stop watching people. It started on the night of the Rodney King beating and it just kept getting worse and worse because I was convinced that I too could catch a beating on tape. So I started carrying my video camera around with me everywhere I went. I started to get into trouble, as business don't like you filming their activity, but I decided not to quit.

Eventually, it was revealed to me that the University of Central Oklahoma wasn't going to be revealing in its criminal activity and that I would have to take my camera on the road. I stopped at all of the colleges that I had debate tournaments at, hoping that I would see something interesting. And did I ever find it!

When I finally made it to Middle Tennessee, I was following a possible cat napper-no this does not mean our criminals were sleepy, it means that they were going to steal the cats and pour gravy all over them! That's not all they are doing to these cats, either. The bastards had been stalking cats for about 3 weeks, well that's as long as I saw them do it...It was becoming apparent that this was some sort of cat napping ring. I saw the two talkative ones almost daily, but the angry one, wasn't around on the night in question.

There they are mumbling back to their castle, when he cracks open a can of gravy and starts calling to the cat. She seizes the opportunity to try to close off all possible exits. Thank goodness my camera is rolling to catch all of this, because I see the two of them trap the cat. I have been giving this particular cat boxing lessons, so that he could defend himself. Well, Mr. Nibbles implemented his training well, because by the time he was finished, the two were running and screaming away from the scene. I tried to follow them, but in my rush to get back to their cave of operations, I stumbled over Mr. Nibbles and fell, thus breaking my camera and ending my voyeristic career. I had only one remaining tape of what they did to those animals, and I am going to share it with the world now...


Blogger genderist said...

Yikees! I hope the cow pastures, I mean mine fields, behind their castle didn't give you any troubles! However did you escape!

For shame. Poor Mr. Nibbles.

7:24 PM  

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