Thursday, February 16, 2006

Anger + Beer =

I have been a little frustrated. To tell the truth, I have started to discover that I am only motivated to post when I am in a bad mood or grumpy. If I am busy, or things are going well, I don't know what to say.

The truth is, this week has been pretty good. I am really happy right now in my marriage, work has been annoying, but tolerable, even my weekends have been better because I know that the competition season is about to end, and I won't be as tired anymore.

This morning I was in the mood to bitch about Eddie Sutton fans and then this afternoon I was in the mood to blog about the crazy lady who is the poster girl for the word objectification.

My day got really bad about 45 minutes before I was going to go home and I was going to blog about how much I want to take her face and grind it up against a brick wall, but then beer happened. It was great. I only had one glass, but it was enough to stop me from losing control and getting really angry.

I find myself trigger happy with my anger lately, it's almost like I am looking for a reason to be angry or to say/think something really cynical, and the truth is that I have just been happy and content. Despite this demented search, I haven't been able to muster up any anger.

It's a sad state of affairs, for me, when 1 beer can allay my temper. The truth is that I just haven't been in the mood to be pissy. I have even been kind of annoyed with the computer, because I haven't wanted to sit down long enough to find a reason to be angry. (Look, I didn't start this blog to get mad, it's just that for some reason being pissed off here was a good relief, so I kept doing it...)

I just thought I would tell all of you that while this evening I have more than a few good reasons to be pissed off, that I think instead I will snuggle with the man of my dreams and go watch some wrestling.

And, by the way, don't you even try to pin this on the fact that we just started celebrating Valentine's Day, because that has nothing to do with it...


Blogger said...

"Anger + Beer ="

Could be a lot of things. But whatever it is, I usually regret it in the morning :)

10:05 PM  
Blogger Kate Mc said...

Hey, who needs to blame it on Valentine's day? You'd just be falling into the hype. And the hype is crap. There is NOTHING about wanting to spend time with your significant other that requires a Hallmark Moment for justification.

8:36 AM  
Blogger the count said...

I'm with Kate on this one.

9:24 AM  

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