Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Fluffy or Chubby bunnies

Okay, I hate to have to post twice in a night, but I totally forgot about this happening today. Our Student Council, after admitting that they knew this game was dangerous, decided to embark on a game of "Chubby Bunny." I have seen my share of Oprah, although I am proud to say I don't watch her anymore (reasons I hate Oprah are a seperate post entirely) but needless to say, there have been deaths attributed to this game because when you play a game where the object is to stick as many marshmellows in your mouth as possible and without chewing, say chubby or fluffy bunny or even pudgy bunny, that at the same time, the marshmellows are melting in the back of your mouth and causing an airway obstruction dangerous enough that once it were to happen, it would seal off your throat. It's not like choking on the quarter that you stuck in your mouth in second grade, it's like the grease that dries to the walls of your sink pipes. The irony is that while I am going to tell someone how lame it was to laugh about a game that really is deadly, I miss the portion of the "pep assembly" where students were playing with packing peanuts. They didn't get all of the peanuts off of the gym floor and when the pom girls came out to do their tribute to the nineties one of the girls went sliding on some of the peanuts and broke her ass. Overall, I thought the pom girl busting some tail was alot funnier than the kids choking down marshmellow bits.


Blogger genderist said...

We played chubby bunny at VBS as a kid --- if you were really good you could cheat and kindof chew the ones in the back of your mouth-- or swallow the mallowdrizzle instead of huffing it... not that I ever did that, mind you. :)

5:47 AM  
Blogger bad-journalist.blogspot.com said...

I never heard of this game before. I'm laughing my ass off. Sounds like a blast. :)

8:28 PM  
Blogger Mark Zilch Newvillage said...

how are you?

1:09 AM  

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