Sunday, July 23, 2006

The Fourteenth Time..Among other things

Today is the Fourteenth time I will be attempting to quit smoking. I would love to thank Kate for this, but she really just accentuated what I already know, which is that I loathe this habit. I mean, really loathe it. Except when I'm drinking and/or stressed out at camp, bored, sleepy, angry, happy, fussy, excited, you get the point. So here we go. Day 1. Yeah for Day 1. Can I get a hell yeah?

Tee hee hee. Bad shoe guy posted his first/second post(s) now and I linked his blog wrong in the index. It's fixed now, but go tell him he sucks. Or something nicer, I don't care. But either way, keep up the support for the new posters in the world...

And, M. Night doesn't suck! I have posted this all over Angry's blog, but I will post it all over mine too...the new movie rocked so much that I plan to make life a living hell for Angry over the next few weeks...this movie (Lady in the Water) was cute and it had a fat girl as one of the heros and there were really funny moments and I got scared a few times too, and there were some thinking moments too, and best of all, when we went to see it there were two full rows of pre-teens (which amounted close to 20) none of which could have been over 15, and they were ready for a scary movie, which is silly because I have yet to see a scary Shamalan movie, even though Signs had some jumpy moments, but it kept them silent after the first five minutes and I love that. Any movie that can make kids shut the hell up is worth of praise from me. I give it a full endorsement and you should see it. There. Hah. Oh and I know Shamalan's ego and bad acting sometimes distract from this movie, but I think it's no more presumtous than Steven King writing himself into the final two books of the Dark Tower Series...


Blogger said...

Replies are mostly in the commenst section of my blog- although I'll say that your Shyamlan-King comparison is specious for a few reasons. Unlike the new Spielberg, King didn't put himself in the Dark Tower as a hero. The King of the novels was an addled drunk, and then a lazy jerk who put the entire story in jeopardy, and whose carelessness was responsible for the death of of the story's beloved characters. M. Night, on the other hand, writes himself in as "the writer who will change the world." Nice.

King's appearance was also a long time coming given his use throughout his novels of coincidence or divine intervention as the moving force throughout his novels- what he called the deus ex machina in Dark Tower VII. What was ironic and a little scary was that the deus was a drunk and an idiot.

Another big difference is that that The Dark Tower was just a story. A great story, but a story nonetheless. No pretensions, no high and mighty preaching about how we should or shouldn't treat the storytellers.

Oh, and this final one is inconsequential . . . The Dark Tower didn't suck like Shyamalan's films do. King actually managed to create memorable, realistic characters with motivations and story arcs that really made us feel sorry that we ever had to get to the end of the story.

All we ever got at the end of a Shyamalan film was a big old shaggy dog.

And that last thought, more than anything else, is indicative of the fact that Shyamalan will never be a great storyteller.

6:14 PM  
Blogger Kate Mc said...

Wow. I'm glad my random hung-over post has caused you to potentially make a nice, health-improving choice, to a degree.

I don't know what to tell you, 'cuz as I say, I smoke only rarely (ie: once or twice a year, and only a few cigarettes at a time),so kicking the habit isn't really a problem (esp. since I feel shitty afterwards, both physically and emotionally). But I wish you best of luck in the process.

11:33 PM  
Blogger bipin said...

Glad to learn that you are trying to kick the habit. I smoked for a few years and quit for almost 8 years now, except that I had a spell of about 2 months when I smoked like a crazy maniac. now, i am over it again... clean for almost a couple of months now.
I never could go and watch 'lady in the water'. glad to know that its nice. may be some day this week or over the coming weekend, I might pounce into the theater. I agree with what you said, that shyamalan's movies are not scary but there are some jumpy scenes. no wonder his work till date has been 'the sixth sense', but his other movies were not bad - definitely. his mediocre work also seems to be better than most directors' work out there. so i wouldn't mind spending some green on watching his movies.
I like giamatti too, he was gr8 in sideways, which was definitely one of the best movies in recent years.
cheers. nice to see u actively blogging away....
check out a wicked funny clip, I posted on mine - from bruce almighty...:) lol

4:03 PM  
Blogger genderist said...

Hell yeah! This time you'll quit for sure. I'm positive.

I'm going to call you later to figure out when we'll have our no-boy date this week. You're going to be so proud when you see what I'm not picking at...

PS: Woah there. Let's not hate on King...

5:02 PM  
Blogger bad shoe guy said...

This is me getting ready for time # 15

8:08 PM  

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