Tuesday, August 01, 2006

What is this A Delivery Room? What is this a Delivery Room?

Apparently, I'm just the delivery girl. Here you go. Friends, enemies, and otherwise visitors, I give you another new blogger, eloquent_modesty. (Congrats! It's a boy! {Spank} {wail} {scream}) His new blog The Power Shifted is fresh and brand spankin' new. I know you all have been showing the new bloggers (and old one's, hem hem, who haven't been posting lately...count) the love. So, with nothing much better to post about lately, I continue to be the cheering section for everyone else's thoughts...

On an unrelated note, it is strange how repetitive my blog has been this summer. All of June and July were crappy crappy repetitive repetitive posts about camp and now all of late July and what appears to be most of August are/will be advertisements adverstisements for other people's posts other people's posts. It may just be me, but it feels repetitive repetitive.

If it makes you feel any better, I would be posting something having to do with bastardization again, internally that's how I've been feeling about my blog. My entire world gets filtered through this little world. I cram all of my experiences into this place, but in an effort to accommodate the multitude of readers, I have to edit most of my experiences to make them palatable to those stopping by. I am thinking of abandoning the edit button on this blog (and henceforth intentionally spelling hear here or bare bear or baer any damn way I choose to) just for the sake of returning this blog back to what I had wanted it to be, a place with meaning and damned be the haters (not "The Hater") or the readers who would be angry (not "Angry Dissenter") because I was speaking some shit. Genderist and I were discussing the other day how sometimes our blogs become pukey regurgitations of our miserable or bland days. The posts themselves are bland or inane and, in the end, the blog world becomes another way to lay our stress on the backs of others. Then, because you love us and we love you, we feel obligated to pull out our own watered down generic crappy advice that we would offer and smatter that shit all over as a way to somehow express solidarity with each other's pathetic days. Don't get me wrong, it's actually really fucking cathartic, but for me lately, it's been counter-productive. I'm just saying that for the next few weeks, this thing might get a little weird as I experiment with some new shit. (EM, key words-anger, pit of belly, must have, exchanged sugars, new power, etc...).

And, just to add a little bit of irony to the day, just enough to stick in your pocket and keep it close to your heart, I will go ahead and post the latest update on my crappy life which is: I went to call Old Job today to go ahead and tell them that since they wanted to hold me to my contract that I would voluntarily return without fighting (if you are lost in this, see Holding Pattern) and they told me that they have interviews today and asked me sit in on them. So literally, at THE LAST POSSIBLE second, there's hope that I might get to move to New Job. I like that ending to this post, anyways. There's hope.


Blogger BDFish said...

How come I'm in the Haters group? Never mind...who am I trying to kid?

10:46 AM  
Blogger bipin said...

nice post unqui_p, i have only been checking this blog out for the last month or so. I am relatively new to blogging compared to u, but I do agree that a blog should not give 2 flying fucks about what anyone else thinks. its your space, so break some rules and get back to your original posts if this was not what you wanted.
you write good and i am sure they'll flow even better when you dont put a lid on yourself.

cheers. nice post.

12:08 PM  
Blogger Kate Mc said...

never give up! Never! NEVER, I SAY!!!

I mean...



12:46 PM  
Blogger Kate Mc said...

Yay job! Yay! Yay! Woohoo! Congrats!

12:55 AM  
Blogger genderist said...

I'm going to hold my breath that these interviews just dazzle the old people. And maybe this weekend we'll be putting up bulletin boards in your NEW classroom.

BTW, do we have an exciting date Friday night while the boys are gone?

3:55 PM  

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