Thursday, August 10, 2006

There goes my hopes

of not being afraid of flying anymore. I was awoken this morning to text messages from the Count to check the news. I have been awake now for a grand total of 80 minutes. I've got that eerie feeling again where I don't know exactly how panicked I should be. Eloquent and I have already been on the phone this morning and it does just tend to leave this creepy feeling to know that here we are again "battling" terrorism. (Do I even put that in quotes this time?) I don't have any thoughts, yet. No political statements. After Bush speaks at 11:30 am my time, maybe I will have more to say. I guess I just wanted to say it feels like going through 9/11 all over again. Watching the crappy news to only get real updates every 4 hours, while the rest is a pounding manipulation of the same 3 sentences. I am open for who ever wants to spark this discussion...


Blogger Kate Mc said...

I'm not afraid of flying, even after this. If they step up security, I just know that I'm flying in a safer environment. Sure, it's a bit of a hassle, and I have no idea what I'll do with my laptop if the new restrictions are still in place when I fly home in October - send it with DHL, I guess - since Toshiba trusts them to do repair delivery runs...

Check out for the British take on all this - you basically can't take anything on a flight except your wallet and passport as of today.

I'll go nuts on an 8-hour flight with nothing to read...

I'll be interested to see what Bush makes of it as well. As for this side of the ocean, Blair's on holiday in the Carribbean.

8:19 AM  
Blogger bipin said...

ppl killed in 911,lebanon, israel-palestine,north africa, train bombings in london, ppl getting slaughtered by the thousands in kashmir by sponsored terrorism across the border. It's pathetic to see the current world events. Everytime this morons who call them 'holy warriors' blow up a plane or kill someone, it's always innocent ppl getting killed.I have lived a great part of life in india and the best way is to just do your normal life trying not to get bogged down by all the shit going on around you. There's no solution for terrorism, it's a philosophical and religious movement. One can only hope sanity will prevail and once generation changes, the newer generation will have some grey matter in their head. Because right now, you kill one terrorist, another mofo comes up . You ban a group, same ppl re-group under different name and operate from nations which harbor these bastards.
Best way is to lead our lives. If you gotto carry gels in the suitcases , fine . Hopefully it subsides soon. It's a tough call anyways, its probably better to be over-prepared than under-prepared when fighting an invisible enemy.
my 2 cents.

1:56 PM  

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